If you have a laptop computer, chances are very, very good that it will probably be powered by a lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery. This battery type has been in a variety of consumer electronics, including PDAs and mobile phones found. They have gained great popularity due to the economic and technical reasons, mainly its high cost-weight ratio.
Lithium-ion batteries have replaced nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries, which were first used to power laptop computersNickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries, which replaced the NiCd Laptop battery technology. Today they have batteries for laptop computers dominated the market because they are much lighter than the other types of laptop batteries, they retain their charge longer than the other technologies and because they do not suffer from the memory effect phenomenon. A typical lithium-ion battery has twice the energy density of a standard nickel-cadmium battery. In addition, lithium-ion --Batteries have a single cell voltage of 3.6 volts to 1.2 volts per cell for nickel-cadmium batteries.
But the drawbacks that are associated with lithium-ion batteries: the possibility that a battery can include combustion under adverse circumstances, they more susceptible to high temperature environments than other battery technologies in their ability, their cargo hold, it can fail if they are fully discharged, and the heirs of the chemistry of the batteryleads to a deterioration with age in relation to the stronger correlation between failures and battery charge / discharge cycles of the older battery types. Lithium-ion batteries require computers, that protection circuitry built into the battery provided in order to monitor the battery and ensure stable power and voltage, and which will maintain the temperature of the battery in a safe workspace.
Lithium-ion battery cells are typically tubularin the form similar to the form of standard alkaline batteries. Several cells are encapsulated in a plastic case and the individual cells are evaluated interconnected in a manner to provide the proper output voltage and increase the storage capacity (in milliampere-hours). Prismatic form lithium-ion cells are also available, but they are much smaller and are typically used in devices such as mobile phones, where space and weight is a prime consideration is.
There are several things that affect the life of aLithium-ion laptop battery. Battery degradation is accelerated by heat, so that the storage battery in a cold environment will prolong their lives. Manufacturers generally recommend a storage temperature of 60 ° C for long term storage of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries, as already mentioned, not preserved, a reminder from the unloading part are not fully discharged then required. Indeed, some cycling of the battery will help to prolong their lives. Lithium-ion batterieshave limited life span as the older battery technologies, but that is relatively independent of their charge cycles and is principally related to their age. A typical battery lasts only 2 to 3 years. This is true even if the battery is unused, so it is important not to buy a replacement laptop battery until it is ready to be put into operation.